Role plays can be really effective in preparing you for how support sessions will run. We have suggested two scenarios below which are likely to come up in groups.
Scenario 1 – Managing difficult customers
Peer support facilitator role
We would like you to play the role of the peer support facilitator trying out all the desirable qualities, and remembering the importance of setting boundaries and in situations you can give advice and those you can’t.
The following is the outline for your session:
- Welcome the peer back
- Ask them how things have been since their last meeting
- Explain that today we are going to explore their experience when they go to see their doctor
- Ask each group member to talk about the last appointment with their doctor
- The peer is feeling very negative today and their last appointment with their doctor that didn’t go well.
- We want you to be able to try to manage this person and try to turn the discussion into a more positive discussion, focussing on what they could do next time to make it better. E.g. What could you do next time, how would you be more prepared
Scenario 2 – Difficult peer role
We would like you to play the role of the peer. You are feeling very negative today. We would like you to mention the following:
- You recently went to see your doctor for your annual review.
- You had to see a doctor who you hadn’t met before, he was running late.
- He didn’t check your feet
- He told you your sugars weren’t good enough
- He didn’t look at your diary, or notice that in fact things were better than they were the last time.
- That’s it, why bother!!!
Nurse support
The RAPSID nurse will accompany you to the “Meet and Greet”. During the research study monthly meetings will be held for you and the other facilitators from your practice with the RAPSID nurse. This is to ensure that you are adequately supported in your new role and have an opportunity to discuss any issues.
To help make the most of these sessions it would be useful to note any comments or concerns you may wish to discuss in the diary we will provide you with during your training.
In addition to these group feedback sessions, you will meet personally with the RAPSID nurse once a month to reflect on how you think the peer support facilitator role is evolving for you.